Yarm Methodist Church

Chapel Yard


TS15 9AJ

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The Hall was added in 1892 and in 1896, the organ loft incorporating the well proportioned arch was constructed and work was done to improve the small vestries. A second hand organ was purchased for about £100 from Stokesly Parish Church and was installed by Harrisons of Durham.   The instrument was replaced in 1978 by a refurbished organ formerly used in Shilden Methodist Church, The facade of the original instrument was retained and the Shilden organ was fitted behind it. This second organ was not as robust as the Shilden organ and after much heart searching it was replaced by a computerised Allen organ in 1993. Fortunately the sound reproduced the Allen is indistinguishable from that of a pipe organ and issues from speakers mounted close to the original facade.

In 1963 the two Methodist societies in Yarm, West Street and Wesley amalgamated to form a new society some 120 members strong. They marked the occasion of the bi-centenary by making significant improvements to the building.

The ugly front staircase was replaced by a less offensive structure. A new room was added and the entire roof was re-slated.

By 1986 the need for further expansion was evident and efforts were made to acquire the house and land adjacent to the church. This project was eventually abandoned and in 1988 the Kitchen and toilet areas were redesigned and reconstructed making better use of the available space. These changes proved some relief but it soon became obvious that a more ambitious scheme would have to be developed to satisfy the growing need.

Some external improvements were achieved at little cost when the National Rivers Authority constructed a new riverside walk as part of a flood defense scheme in 1992. This provided much cleaner and better access and was aesthetically more acceptable. Further developments of the Tees incorporating a Barrage constructed in 1995 ensures that the the level of the remains almost constant and the mudbanks are no longer exposed as they were at low tide.

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