Yarm Methodist Church

Chapel Yard


TS15 9AJ



Yarm Methodist Church has a very enthusiastic choir membership of about 25 people who take an active part in most Sunday  services, supporting and leading the congregation in worship. We sing pieces from a broad range of musical styles from Bach to Stuart Townend and lots in between!  Our usual "MO" is SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass) but we sometimes sing pieces in fewer than 4 parts too. 

The choir also plays a significant part in raising funds for various charities which are supported by the Church.  It presents a Christmas concert filled with traditional and secular Christmas music together with comedy sketches, recitations and various other inclusions which showcase the talents of individual members of the choir; all this raises funds for good causes, beneficiaries include The Butterwick Hospice, Anthony Nolan Appeal and the Haiti Disaster Appeal just to name a few.

Do you like singing? Would you like some friends to sing along with and enjoy the music together?

Then there is an open invitation for you to join us.  We welcome anyone who is interested, irrespective of whether you're just discovering a new interest or if you've been singing for many years. 

The best way to find out about us is to come along to a church service sometime and speak to one of us over a cup of coffee afterwards. We would love to meet you and give you more information about us.  We rehearse on most Thursday evenings from 7.30 - 9 from September to June, so if you'd prefer to meet us then please come along....you will hear us practising in one of the halls so will know where to find us. 

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